Cat Osterman

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My Pitching Story

My story (inspired or asked for by Amanda Scarborough on Instagram):

I actually quit softball after 1 season in 1st grade. Two leagues had split and we had 1st-5th graders playing together, and it was kids pitch.

When I was 10, I wanted a change from soccer and my dad suggested I try softball again. We signed me up for Bear Creek Little League. Being left handed and inexperienced, I was ‘playing’ outfield. Due to rain outs and pitching rules, our pitchers had used up their innings. Our coach asked who wanted to pitch... I volunteered, and I struck someone out. I asked my dad for pitching lessons for my 11th birthday and he granted it! The rest (with a lot of hard work and failure mixed in) is history!

I love our game, but I love working to perfect the art of pitching more. Pitching is what I truly fell in love with ❤️ What got you started? What do you love about it?